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Mint NFTs

As we mentioned in the architecture page we need to prepare an NFT before it will be available to be minted. In order to successfully prepare the NFT you'll be required to send a payment through Stripe using provided payment_intent. If you don't know how to setup a Payment Element we suggest to read the official docs.

If you want to remove those limits and discuss with us a different use case please reach out using our form.

Create request

To create a request you can use following JSON structure, but we have to explain a bit some of the parameters:

  • title, description and cover are called "metadata", these are the three information we use to create an hash and link this specific request to the blockchain and they must be unique (no one can send the same metadata twice).
  • amount and allowlist are mutual exclusive, this means you can set the amount if you want that anyone will be able to mint the NFT, otherwise we'll use the allowlist to calculate the maximum amount of the NFTs (one NFT per e-mail).
  • attachments and links are not mutual exclusive, but you can setup up to 3 in total (1 attachment and 2 links, for example).
[POST] {{GATEWAY}}/open/create

"title": "NFT_TITLE",
"description": "NFT_DESCRIPTION",
"transfereable": "TRUE_OR_FALSE",
"visibility": "PUBLIC_OR_PRIVATE",
"attachments": "ARRAY_OF_STORAGE_LINKS",

The endpoint will return a payment attribute, if needed, otherwise it will be ready to be prepared. An uuid attribute will be returned too and it's mandatory to be saved somewhere in your system, because it's needed to proceed with preparing procedure.

Enterprise specs

If you're an enterprise account you also must provide a signature that proves your request. Message needed to be signed is made by: Request minting of NFT_TITLE.

You can also set the amount to 0, if you don't want to fix the amount of tokens in advance.

Check payment

This endpoint it's needed to check the payment, if a payment is required to proceed. You can just call it after you or your customer ended with the Stripe procedure.

[POST] {{GATEWAY}}/open/create

"uuid": "<REQUEST_UUID>"

Prepare the NFT on-chain

This endpoint must be called to run the on-chain transaction, this will actually prepare the NFT on-chain. After this endpoint anyone enabled will be able to mint a copy of the NFT.

[POST] {{GATEWAY}}/open/prepare

"uuid": "<REQUEST_UUID>"

Share the link

This endpoint can be called to share the NFT with anyone in the allowlist, if provided, or will provide the public link of the Niftyz platform linked to that asset.

[POST] {{GATEWAY}}/open/share

"uuid": "<REQUEST_UUID>"

Mint NFT

This endpoint can must be called to actually mint the NFT into an user's wallet.

[POST] {{GATEWAY}}/open/mint

"uuid": "<REQUEST_UUID>",

Enterprise specs

If you're an enterprise account you also must provide a signature that proves your request. Message needed to be signed is made by: "Request minting of METADATA_HASH to RECEIVER.